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Saturday 25 February 2012

Preliminary Task

All the groups were asked to do a preliminary task which was to film a character opening a door, coming into a room, sitting down opposite another character & exchanging a few lines of dialogue. We produced a stroyboard to go with it aswell.

We had to show Match on action ( filming from different angles but putting them together to show continuity), 180 Degree Rule ( making sure you shoot from the same side, so that 1 person is always on the left and the other is always on the right) and Shot reverse shot ( close up of one person saying a line & then the other persons reaction).

Here is what my group did:

180 degree rule... 

Close up of a shot reverse shot...

...high angle shot of a shot reverse shot part...

...180 degree rule 
As shown above, there is match on action throughout showing continuity of the clips.

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